Tiny Hand ᴡᴏʀᴅᴘʟᴀʏ ♔ -

6. Your favorite J-Rock performance.

I really couldn't choose between these two performances by Gackt.. Well, the first one is just simply amazing. I love how the audience is all fired up and how Gackt totally owns the stage and and ..! I don't know really. He just seems as great as I think he is and I like that. (If you didn't understand a word of this, just watch the video.) 
And the second one, well there's no words to describe it. I love the song and the performance is .. well, it's it's very Gackt-like  and his fans are going crazy about every move he makes especially when he's all over the bandmembers  I can understand them. 
There's a huge year gap between these two performances, the second is from the beginning of his career and the first one is from a year back or so.  


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