Tiny Hand ᴡᴏʀᴅᴘʟᴀʏ ♔ -

Day 7: How you first got into J-Rock

Nu var det ett tag sedan jag prickade av en punkt i den här jrock listan. 
Så.. den här gången är frågan hur jag började lyssna på jrock. Tja, i början så lyssnade jag mest på soundtracken till de anime som jag tittade på. Men för jag-vet-inte-hur-länge sedan så hamnade jag på en blogg som heter Mymic (hon har tyvärr stängt ner sin blogg nu) och där lyssnade jag på en låt som hon hade lagt upp. Eftersom jag tyckte att den var rätt rätt bra så la jag till den i en av mina spellistor på Youtube. Jag tror att det gick ett tag innan jag lyssnade på låten igen och antagligen så tyckte jag fortfarande om den för jag letade upp några fler låtar av samma artist, artisten var Gackt. 
Så, Gackt var alltså den första jrock artisten jag började lyssna på. Under en väldigt lång tid så lyssnade jag bara på Gackt och även en kvinnlig artist som heter Nana Miziki. Det är faktiskt inte förren nyligen som jag har börjat upptäcka nya band och har utvecklat mitt intresse för den japanska rock musiken. 
Jag tycker inte bara om jrock för att den är bra, vilket är den största anledningen förstås, utan jag har en slags obeskrivlig respekt för jrock. När jag lyssnar på jrock så fylls jag av en känsla som jag inte riktigt kan förklara, den känslan får jag inte av all annan musik.

6. Your favorite J-Rock performance.

I really couldn't choose between these two performances by Gackt.. Well, the first one is just simply amazing. I love how the audience is all fired up and how Gackt totally owns the stage and and ..! I don't know really. He just seems as great as I think he is and I like that. (If you didn't understand a word of this, just watch the video.) 
And the second one, well there's no words to describe it. I love the song and the performance is .. well, it's it's very Gackt-like  and his fans are going crazy about every move he makes especially when he's all over the bandmembers  I can understand them. 
There's a huge year gap between these two performances, the second is from the beginning of his career and the first one is from a year back or so.  

Day 5: A J-Rock song you know all the words to.

This one was harder than expected. I seriously thought that there was a j rock song that I knew all the words to, but obviously there isn't - or maybe there is but I just couldn't fint it.. 
But I know one j rock song that I know almost all the words too, and all of the words in the chorus. That song is called Oblivious and is performed by the amazing Gackt ♥ It was the first j rock song that I deeply fell in love with, so this song means a lot to me. 

Day 4: A J-Rock song that makes you cry.

Whoa. I don't now really.. There are a couple of j rock songs that make me cry. Most of them because they sound so sad and the singer sounds as if he is hurt and that is what makes me cry.
I remember crying to Plastic Tree's Shion once. I don't remember when and I have no idea about why I did it - I just remember that I was crying and I was listening to this song.

Day 3: Your favourite J-Rock video.

My favorite jrock video is probably the pv for KRA's Honne. Actually I don't really know why I like it so much. I just know that Keiyuu look beautiful here and I love his gestures and his smile when that girl is whispering to him. And I love their hairstyles. The hairstyles is one good part with jrock, all of them have such beautiful hairstyles. 

Day 2: Your favorite J-Rock song.

I am going to do the impossible. No, not save the world from war. I am going to choose one and only one jrock song that I love the most. It's will be really hard to choose only one so please give me a moment~~ //several minutes of thinking later// That one song that is a little more special to me is .... Flower by Gackt. 
I have loved that song almost since the beginning and I still do. It's such a beautiful song and I love how he sings "You are the irreplaceble flower" in the end, the way he pronouces flower *dies*

Day 1: Your favourite J-Rock group/singer

I don't have one favorite group/singer. I don't have one of anything. But I'm going to try select as few as possible and I will write something about each group. Not much really, just to make you know why I love them so much. 


love KRA. They are so perfect. Their music is so perfect. And I just love that Keiyuu is so short, he's only 156cm ^^ They are not one of the first groups that I discovered but I fell for them and their right away.

I really don't know what to say. To me, Gackt is like .. the god of jrock. 
There's no words to describe his music. And there's no need either, listening is enough.

This duo is incredible. Even thought I didn't fell for them right away, I still grew to like -love- them really fast. They have only released one album so far - I think? - and they really should release a new album soon~~ 

I love Plastic Tree because they are different. And Ryutaro's voice..! I die a little every time I listen to it. 

20 days j rock challenge

Day 1: Your favourite J-Rock group
Day 2: Your favorite J-Rock song.
Day 3: Your favourite J-Rock video.
Day 4: A J-Rock song that makes you cry.
Day 5: A J-Rock song you know all the words to.
Day 6: Your favorite J-Rock performance.
Day 7: How you first got into J-Rock
Day 8: The very first J-Rock song you ever heard
Day 9: Your favourite J-Rock singer.
Day 10: Your favourite J-Rock drummer.
Day 11: Your favourite J-Rock guitarist.
Day 12: Your favourite J-Rock bassist.
Day 13: Your favorite J-Rock lyric (and a translation).
Day 14: Your ultimate J-Rock idol.
Day 15: Best live J-Rock group.
Day 16: Your favorite picture of your J-Rock idol.
Day 17: Your favorite picture of your favorite J-Rock group.
Day 18: A J-Rock song that makes you happy.
Day 19: A J-Rock song you never get tired of.
Day 20: Your favourite J-Rock album.

Soo~~ I found this 20 Days J Rock Challenge and decided to try it out. I really suck at these kind of challenges but .. yeeh, I'll try it out at least. We'll see if I can do it until the last day or not ;)
To be honest, this was a 30 days challenge but since I saw a lot of questions that I won't ever be able to answer I just decided to deleite them ;)